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JCB’s amerikanske drøm

Et besøg på Raymond Vineyards i Napa glemmer man aldrig, og heller ikke skaberen bag, Jean-Charles Boisset. Lad os kalde det Raymond Vineyards-winery-circus-tivoli-tur, fyldt med kvalitet, oplevelser, en karikatur af æstetik, af vild luksus, der tenderer til det kvalmende og en persondyrkelse af Jean-Charles Boisset – her udtrykt i den korte varebetegnelse JCB.

A visit to Raymond Vineyards in Napa is never forgotten, and neither is the creator behind it, Jean-Charles Boisset. Let’s call it Raymond Vineyards-winery-circus-fairground tour, full of quality, experiences, a caricature of aesthetics, of wild luxury tending to the nauseating and a personality cult of Jean-Charles Boisset – here expressed in the short product description JCB.

Receptionens mester: Jean-Charles Boisset i midten af billedet med glasset højt løftet. Master of the reception: Jean-Charles Boisset in the center of the picture with the glass held high.

En sanselig entreprenør

JCB er en person der forfører alt og alle, også sig selv. En lidenskabelig person, der kun hviler i sig selv, når alting er i bevægelse. En entreprenør hvis univers er sanselighed, oplevelse, at blive berørt. Han er receptionens mester, møder du ham i et selskab, taler han ikke om sig selv, men derimod om dig, præsenterer dig som ”verdensmester”, der, hvor hukommelsen bliver transformeret over i noget, der svæver i det abstrakte rum mellem løgnen og sandheden. Du er noget helt unikt, han får dig i dialog med mennesker du ikke kender, men som allerede ved præsentationen, er dybt benovet.

A sensual Entrepreneur

JCB is a person who seduces everything and everyone, including himself. A passionate person who only rests in himself when everything is in motion. An entrepreneur whose universe is sensuality, experience, being touched. He is the master of the reception, if you meet him in a company, he does not talk about himself, but rather about you, presenting you as “master of the world”, where the memory is transformed into something that floats in the abstract space between the lie and the truth. You are something completely unique, he gets you into dialogue with people you don’t know, but who already know the presentation, are deeply impressed.

Jean-Charles Boisset

Og vupti, så er han væk, på vej mod en ny bekendt, en ny, unik person, som han med sin klæbehjerne og sin fantasi kan præsentere for en ny gruppe. Han skaber ringe omkring sig, som en sten i vand, er i centrum og samtidig helt ude i periferien, hvor ringene mister kraft, men også der, hvor cirklen bliver endnu større. Han driver ud og kigger ind – mod stenen, mod ham selv, der skabte ringene. Og så det mest overraskende. JBC er franskmand, født og opvokset i Bourgogne.

Jeg har kendt Jean-Charles igennem mange år i Bourgogne. Hans far skabte et imperium som han sammen med sin søster Nathalie har optimeret, tunet, fundet det bedste af det bedste i Bourgogne, i en ny form og tanke. I den biodynamiske tanke, men også i den tanke, i den kraft, den spænding, den balance og samtidig den vildskab der ligger i et stort glas vin, der forfører dig, der giver kraft og saft til at forføre andre. Det biodynamiske Domaine de la Vougeraie besidder den energi og på Bouchard Aîne & Fils i Beaune har man igennem mange år kunnet opleve berøring, duft, sanselighed i et fantastisk sansemuseum. Det samme museum er skabt på Raymond.

And in a flash, he is gone on his way to a new acquaintance, a new, unique person whom he can present to a new group with his sticky brain and imagination. He creates rings around him, like a stone in water, is in the center and at the same time all the way out on the periphery, where the rings lose power, but also where the circle becomes even larger. He drifts out and looks in – at the stone, at himself who created the rings. And then the most surprising. JCB is French, born and raised in Burgundy.

I have known Jean-Charles for many years in Burgundy. His father created an empire that he, together with his sister Nathalie, has optimized, tuned, found the best of the best in Burgundy, in a new form and thought. In the biodynamic thought, but also in that thought, in that power, that tension, that balance and at the same time the wildness that lies in a large glass of wine that seduces you, that gives power and juice to seduce others. The biodynamic Domaine de la Vougeraie possesses that energy and for many years at Bouchard Aîne & Fils in Beaune you have been able to experience touch, scent, sensuality in a fantastic sensory museum. The same museum has been created at Raymond.

Bag den traditionelle facade venter een af Napas mest spektakulære oplevelser. Behind the traditional facade awaits one of Napa’s most spectacular experiences.

En oplevelse der går langt ud over vinen

Raymond Vineyards har en historie tilbage til 1930’erne, men det er ikke den der fascinerer mig, det er derimod mødet med Raymond Vineyards og den portal af vinoplevelser, der møder en. En persondyrkelse, JCB er der overalt, nærmest surrealistisk, svært at beskrive, det skal opleves og jeg ville ikke have været noget foruden. Her nogle udpluk af oplevelser man kan købe sig til på Raymond Vineyards.

Crystal Cellar

Publikum bliver inviteret ind i gæringskælderen, sidder, selv under selve høsten og smager på den vin, der for nogle år siden gærede i ståltankene. Der er levende lys som kontrast til de hårde ståltanke, der er smukke karafler, dekanteringens kunst og Baccarat-lysekroner. ”Her i en fungerende kælder, opdager gæsterne en anden dimension af vinnydelse, mens de prøver Raymonds karakteristiske Cabernet Sauvignon”, står der på Raymonds hjemmeside.

An experience that goes far beyond the wine

Raymond Vineyards has a history dating back to the 1930s, but it is not that that fascinates me, rather it is the encounter with Raymond Vineyards and the portal of wine experiences that meets one. A cult of personality, JCB is everywhere, almost surreal, hard to describe, it has to be experienced and I wouldn’t have been without it. Here are some samples of experiences you can buy at Raymond Vineyards.

Crystal Cellar

The public is invited into the fermentation cellar, sits, even during the harvest itself, and tastes the wine that fermented in the steel tanks a few years ago. There are candles to contrast the hard steel tanks, beautiful decanters, the art of decanting and Baccarat chandeliers. “Here in a working cellar, guests discover another dimension of wine enjoyment while trying Raymond’s characteristic Cabernet Sauvignon”, says Raymond’s website.

Vinsmagning i gæringskælderen på Raymond. Wine tasting in the fermentation cellar at Raymond.

Gæsterne bliver flankeret af mandshøje LGBT-figurer, hvem er mand, hvem er kvinde? I Californien er alt muligt og i den sanselige beruselse finder du måske ud af hvem du er – i nuet – men måske ikke hvem du er i morgen? Pris 50 dollar og billigere hvis du er medlem, hvor du kan invitere 3 gæster. Nu er vi her. I et Californien hvor vinturisme fylder så utroligt meget, at se og blive set, at invitere, at købe den flotteste pakke.

The guests are flanked by tall LGBT figures, who is male, who is female? In California everything is possible and in the sensual intoxication you may find out who you are – in the present – but maybe not who you will be tomorrow? Price 50 dollars and cheaper if you are a member, where you can invite 3 guests. We are here now. In a California where wine tourism takes up so much, to see and be seen, to invite, to buy the best package.

Aroma-bibliotek på Raymond. Aroma library at Raymond.

Taste the Valley

Raymonds pulserende hovedsmagningssalon tilbyder vidstrakt udsigt over vinmarken og et elegant, men finurligt miljø. “Din vært vil præsentere flere forskellige vine fra vores portefølje, der vil glæde både nybegyndere og erfarne vinsmagere”, står der på hjemmesiden. I pakken indgår en promenade gennem vingårdens flotte, biodynamisk fokuserede Naturteater, hvor krydderurter blander sig med høns, køer og vinmarker, alt sammen noget der bruges til vingårdens mange events. Pris 40 dollar per person og billigere hvis du er medlem, hvor du kan invitere 3 gæster.

Taste the Valley

Raymond’s vibrant main tasting room offers sweeping vineyard views and an elegant yet whimsical environment. “Your host will present several different wines from our portfolio that will please both beginners and experienced wine connoisseurs,” the website says. The package includes a promenade through the winery’s beautiful, biodynamically focused Nature Theatre, where herbs mingle with chickens, cows and vineyards, all of which are used for the winery’s many events. Price 40 dollars per person and cheaper if you are a member, where you can invite 3 guests.

Vinblender-kursus på på Raymond. Winemaker course on at Raymond.

Vinmager for en dag

Udlev drømmen om at være vinmager for en dag i blandingsrummet! Lær vinmagerens kunst, mens du blander din egen røde blanding i Napa Valley i Bordeaux-stil. Når du har blandet din vin, som jo er hel unik, fordi det er dig, der har blandet den, får du en flaske med din egen, helt, helt unikke blanding med prop og sågar også etiket. Er du stolt, særlig stolt, kan du bestille 12, 24, 48 eller 96 flasker og hver aften fortælle den samme historie for gæster, der kommer i dit hjem. Kun efter aftale, pris 150 dollar per person.

Winemaker for a day

Live out the dream of being a winemaker for a day in the blending room! Learn the art of the winemaker as you blend your own Bordeaux-style Napa Valley red blend. When you have mixed your wine, which is completely unique because it is you who mixed it, you get a bottle with your own, completely, completely unique blend with cork and even a label. If you are proud, especially proud, you can order 12, 24, 48 or 96 bottles and every evening tell the same story to guests who come to your home. Only by appointment, price 150 dollars per person.

The Red Room Lounge på Raymond. The Red Room Lounge at Raymond.

The Red Room lounge

The Red Room lounge er en “kun efter aftale”-oplevelse, hvor du kan nyde flaskeservice, fra en mousserende rosé til en række forskellige Cabernet Sauvignons. Mens du er her, kan du slappe af og nyde samtalens kunst, spille kort eller måske “læse vores udbud af unikke bøger”. Prisen er ikke fastlagt, du kan selv bestille vine i prisniveauet fra 75 til 350 dollars, er du ikke medlem falder prophammeren på 20 dollar. Rummet har karakter af et luksusbordel, rødt, meget rødt, plys, meget plys, forloren, forfærdelig, forførende, for, for, for – for meget, alt for meget og derfor bizart fascinerende.

The Red Room lounge

The Red Room lounge is an “by appointment only” experience where you can enjoy bottle service, from a sparkling rosé to a variety of Cabernet Sauvignons. While here you can relax and enjoy the art of conversation, play cards or perhaps “read our selection of unique books”. The price has not been determined, you can order wines yourself in the price range from 75 to 350 dollars, if you are not a member the cork hammer falls on 20 dollars. The room has the character of a luxury brothel, red, very red, plush, very plush, lost, terrible, seductive, too, too, too – too much, way too much and therefore bizarrely fascinating.

På tur i haven på Raymond. On a walk in the garden at Raymond.


”Vi vil introducere dig og din fest til Raymonds historie, til Boisset Collection, og derefter en tur i haven”, står der på hjemmesiden. Turen går derefter gennem vinkælderen og afsluttes i dit helt private rum hvor du smager fire rødvine sammen med din vært. Sidste vin er flagskibet: Generations Cabernet Sauvignon. Pris 75 dollars per person.


“We will introduce you and your party to Raymond’s history, to the Boisset Collection, and then a tour of the garden,” the website says. The tour then goes through the wine cellar and ends in your very private room where you taste four red wines together with your host. The last wine is the flagship: Generations Cabernet Sauvignon. Price 75 dollars per person.

Lidt historie

Raymond-familien kom til Napa Valley i 1933 og blev knyttet til Beringer-familien via ægteskab i 1936. Roy Raymond, arbejdede som vinmager for Beringer fra 1933-1970. Familien havde også deres egen vinmark i Rutherford og besluttede i 1970, at lave deres egen vin. Den første kommercielle vin der blev lanceret som Raymond Vineyards var årgang 1974 og den blev taget godt imod.  I 1988 bliver Raymond Vineyards købt af Kirin, et japansk bryggeri. I august måned 2009 køber Boisset familien Raymond Vinyards, men allerede i 1991 havde familien købt brandet Lyeth i Alexander Valley og i 2003 Deloach Vineyards i Santa Rosa, for at sætte deres fingeraftryk på, hvordan Pinot Noir skal smage fra Californien. Så – intet er nyt for JCB da han for alvor slår til i Napa Valley. Med domæner fra Bourgogne, Beaujolais, Côte du Rhône, Canada og andre steder, er han vandt til, long distance, at styre virksomheder.

A bit of history

The Raymond family came to Napa Valley in 1933 and became connected to the Beringer family by marriage in 1936. Roy Raymond, worked as winemaker for Beringer from 1933-1970. The family also had their own vineyard in Rutherford and decided in 1970 to make their own wine. The first commercial wine launched as Raymond Vineyards was the 1974 vintage and it was well received. In 1988 Raymond Vineyards is bought by Kirin, a Japanese brewery. In August 2009, the Boisset family buys Raymond Vinyards, but already in 1991 the family had bought the brand Lyeth in Alexander Valley and in 2003 Deloach Vineyards in Santa Rosa, to put their fingerprint on how Pinot Noir should taste from California. So – nothing is new for JCB as he really hits the Napa Valley. With domains from Burgundy, Beaujolais, Côte du Rhône, Canada and elsewhere, he is used to, long distance, managing companies.

Vinduesudsmykning på vinbaren JCB Lounge i Yountville. Window decoration at the JCB Lounge wine bar in Yountville.

Jean-Charles Boisset har ideerne og ikke mindst via sit ægteskab med Gina Gallo (Gallo er et af verdens største vinproducenter) og deres nu to børn, har han fingeren på pulsen i et Napa Valley, der var nyt for ham. Ægteparret bor, næsten selvfølgelig kan man sige, i Robert og Margrit Mondavis gamle hus. Energi forsvinder og ny energi kommer til, noget forgår og noget opstår. Jean-Charles Boisset ser potentialet i Raymond, både i vinmarker, men også i stedets beliggenhed hvor vinturister let kan rejse til, og han opbygger dette center, et showroom med afsæt i vinmarkerne som han transformerer til et biodynamisk brug. På Raymond har man den største installation af solceller i Napa Valley, anlægget leverer 100 procent el til vingården. Det er Napa Valley-veteranen, Stephanie Putnam, der laver vinene, mens Vineyard Manager Sophie Drucker står for driften af alle vinmarkerne.

Jean-Charles Boisset has the ideas and not least through his marriage to Gina Gallo (Gallo is one of the world’s largest wine producers) and their now two children, he has his finger on the pulse of a Napa Valley that was new to him. The married couple live, almost naturally you could say, in Robert and Margrit Mondavi’s old house. Energy disappears and new energy is added, something passes away and something arises. Jean-Charles Boisset sees the potential in Raymond, both in vineyards, but also in the location where wine tourists can easily travel to, and he builds this center, a showroom based in the vineyards which he transforms into a biodynamic use. Raymond has the largest installation of solar cells in Napa Valley, the facility supplies 100 percent electricity to the winery. Napa Valley veteran Stephanie Putnam makes the wines, while Vineyard Manager Sophie Drucker manages all the vineyards.

Biodynamik fra Bourgogne til Napa Valley

Raymond Vineyards har 120 hektar vinmarker i Napa Valley fordelt på 3 steder. Man har også dyrkningskontrakter med  drueproducenter Napa, så alt i alt et stort domæne. I St. Helena ejer Raymond to vinmarker: Stice Vineyard på 6 hektar og Founder’s Ranch Vineyard med vinstokke der blev plantet i 1976 med 100% Cabernet Sauvignon.

Rutherford Vineyard er på 33 hektar og ligger på sydsiden af ​​Zinfandel Lane midt i Napa Valley, i dalbunden mellem St. Helena og Rutherford. Druesorterne er Cabernet Sauvignon og Merlot. Raymonds 36 hektar store vinmarker i Rutherford og St. Helena, der rubriceres i Region II til Region III, er certificerede økologiske og biodynamiske, det samme er DeLoach Vineyards i Sonomas Russian River Valley. Ud over CCOF og Demeter Biodynamic er Raymond-vinmarkerne også certificeret med Napa Green, Fish Friendly Farming og California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance.

Jameson Canyon-vingård er på 84 hektar og ligger i den sydlige del af Napa Valley tæt på San Pablo Bay. Vinmarkerne ligger på skråninger og tåge og brise fra bugten giver det kølige klima, som man betegner som Region I-klima, ideelt for hvidvinsdruer, her Chardonnay og Sauvignon Blanc. Merlot trives også, alkoholprocenten bliver ikke for høj.

Biodynamics from Burgundy to Napa Valley

Raymond Vineyards has 120 hectares of vineyards in Napa Valley spread over 3 locations. You also have cultivation contracts with grape producers Napa, so all in all a large domain. In St. Helena Raymond owns two vineyards: Stice Vineyard on 6 hectares and Founder’s Ranch Vineyard with vines that were planted in 1976 with 100% Cabernet Sauvignon.

Rutherford Vineyard is 33 hectares and is located on the south side of Zinfandel Lane in the middle of Napa Valley, in the valley floor between St. Helena and Rutherford. The grape varieties are Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. Raymond’s 36 hectares of vineyards in Rutherford and St. Helena, classified in Region II through Region III, is certified organic and biodynamic, as is DeLoach Vineyards in Sonoma’s Russian River Valley. In addition to CCOF and Demeter Biodynamic, the Raymond vineyards are also certified with Napa Green, Fish Friendly Farming and the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance.

Jameson Canyon Vineyard is 84 acres and is located in the southern part of Napa Valley close to San Pablo Bay. The vineyards are on slopes and fog and breeze from the bay give the cool climate, which is described as Region I climate, ideal for white wine grapes, here Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc. Merlot also thrives, the alcohol percentage does not get too high.

Vinbaren JCB Lounge i Yountville. The JCB Lounge wine bar in Yountville.

JCB Tasting Salon i Yountville

Hvad hvis vi kunne fange en stil og holde den fast i en flaske? Hvad nu hvis personlighed – dristigt, lidenskabeligt, unikt, subtilt, mystisk – blev afsløret fra en flaske. JCB loungen i Yountville, ikke langt fra Raymond, er helt speciel, dristig, overpyntet. Ædle metaller går igen sammen med JCB’s smykkekollektion. Og JCM er overalt, ikke mindst i det store billede hvor han med sin hustru bliver portrætteret med Gandhi, med Mother Teresa, med – ja gæt – se selv. En parodi eller?  Igen – drømmer jeg – eller er jeg vågen, skal jeg grine eller græde? Har dårlig smag ikke lige så stor berettigelse som god smag, er det ikke med rum som med vin, dét den ene kan  li’ – kan den anden ikke. Der er ingen tvivl, Jean-Charles Boisset sætter sit fingeraftryk, og han gør det mere amerikansk, end en amerikaner nogen siden ville kunne gøre. Pris 75 dollars per person.

JCB Tasting Salon in Yountville

What if we could capture a style and hold it in a bottle? What if personality—bold, passionate, unique, subtle, mysterious—was revealed from a bottle. The JCB lounge in Yountville, not far from Raymond, is quite special, bold, over-decorated. Precious metals once again go together with JCB’s jewelery collection. And JCM is everywhere, not least in the big picture where he and his wife are portrayed with Gandhi, with Mother Teresa, with – well guess what – see for yourself. A parody or? Again – am I dreaming – or am I awake, should I laugh or cry? Does bad taste not have as much justification as good taste, isn’t it with rum as with wine, what one can like – the other can’t. There is no doubt, Jean-Charles Boisset leaves his mark, and he makes it more American than any American could do since. Price 75 dollars per person.

Smagerum på vinbaren JCB Lounge i Yountville – på frisen over døren, Jean-Charles Boisset med sin kone Gina Gallo i midten flankeret af andre udvalgte kendisser. Her forneden frisen i en forstørret version.

Jean-Charles Boissets egen smykkekollektion.
Champagne og kaviar smagning på vinbaren JCB Lounge i Yountville.

Boisset Collection er fællesbetegnelsen for familien Boisset’s omfattende aktiviteter i Californien, Frankrig, England og Indien:


  • 1881 Napa
  • Buena Vista Winery
  • DeLoach Vineyards
  • Durant & Booth
  • Elizabeth Spencer Winery
  • Founder’s Ranch
  • Frenchie Winery
  • The Ink House
  • JCB by Jean-Charles Boisset
  • Joliesse Vineyards
  • Lockwood Vineyard
  • Lyeth Estate
  • LVE: Legend Vineyard Exclusive
  • Napa Cut
  • Oakville Grocery
  • Raymond Vineyards
  • Secret Indulgence
  • Wattle Creek Winery
  • Wappo Hill
    • Bonpas
    • Bouchard Aîné & Fils
    • Charles de Fère
    • Château de Pierreux
    • Domaine de la Vougeraie
    • Domaine Maire
    • Fortant
    • French Rabbit
    • Grandin
    • Haute Couture
    • Moreau & Fils
    • JCB by Jean-Charles Boisset
    • Jean-Claude Boisset
    • Louis Bernard
    • Louis Bouillot
    • LX Cuvée Rare
    • Mommessin
    • Oc & Co
    • Ropiteau Frères
    • Studio 69
    • Villa Moncigale